사운드서플라이 서비스의 컴필레이션 시리즈 SCA, 그 두 번째 앨범 ‘SCA2’
SCA2 Vinyl 140g / 1 LP / 1 insert
1. HWI - 543 Village
2. Stainus - 30 Seconds of Roof
3. Mount XLR - Ultrawhite Teeth
4. cjb95, Kim Doeon - Dawn req
5. Scorched Evrth - Mood Humming #9
6. Wona - Shrinkage
7. ccr - Trunkmusic
8. Leesuho - Ui ryeong
9. WYXX - 0b1ivi0n
Written by HWI, Stainus, Mount XLR, cjb95, Kim Doeon, Scorched Evrth, Wona, ccr, Leesuho, WYXX
Executive Producer: Jongbin Choi
Co-Executive Producers: Dohoon Shin, Minseock Choi, Paola Laforgia, Eunseo Kim
Art Direction by Eunseo Kim
Object Design by Younggyun Kim
Photograph by Junghee Hong
Mastered by Zino Mikorey
2024 SoundSupply_Service⠀
manufactured and marketed by SoundSupply_Service. 40, Dongsan-ro 2-gil, Seocho-gu,⠀
All rights reserved www.SoundSupplyService.kr
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